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Wonderful Wisley

On 24th August, members of The Sunnybank Trust met with the team from RHS Wisley for a workshop at Wisley’s fabulous new Hill Top Centre.

With the beautiful gardens in the background, the day provided a great learning opportunity for both Sunnybank members and the Wisley team.

Whilst the Sunnybank members enjoyed learning about a wide range of plants, the Wisley team had the opportunity to find out more from us about learning disabilities and how to provide a great experience for people with hidden disabilities such as learning disabilities. Sunnybank member Emily shares her thoughts on the day:

“RHS Wisley asked if some Sunnybank members would like to try out their new Education Centre with activities specifically designed for people with a learning disability/autism.

We were also given free tickets for carers and parents who were bringing members to the activity. We all went into their new Education centre, to a room reserved just for us to use.

Firstly, we went outside to look at their vegetables. As anyone who has been out with Sunnybank, and the staff who come along, we like to join in!

As you can see in the pictures below, Faith and Dorothy picked up some great ideas for the Sunnybank allotment and we learnt a lot about gardening.

As we had our lunch, Sunnybank staff member Jon, kept working by interviewing Wisley staff. After lunch we had a look around the Gardens. Then we split into 2 groups and did feedback and visited the centre. This time it was Claire and I who came up with ideas for the allotment.”

Futures Manager, Claire Dawson, comments on the day, “What was so good about the day is that everyone involved got to learn something new from each other. I am looking forward to putting all the ideas everyone had into action and tasting some of the results.”


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